Source code for survival_analysis

Implementation of the cure rate survival analysis, based on the work by
Dr. Nemanja Kosovalic and Prof. Sandip Barui, both formerly at the
University of South Alabama. Current implementation supports option
to use Hard EM algorithm and SCAR (selected completely at random),
among others, for estimating cure probabilites.

Primary Author: Nem Kosovalic (

Secondary Author: Yash Puranik (

Company: Aimpoint Digital, LP
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression  # type: ignore
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score # type: ignore
from tqdm import tqdm # type: ignore
from sksurv.metrics import concordance_index_censored as cindex  # type: ignore
from apd_crs._parameters import _CENSOR_LABEL, _NON_CURE_LABEL, _CURE_LABEL, _LO_INT, \
from apd_crs._validate import _val_train_data, _val_test_data, _validate_kwargs  # type: ignore
from apd_crs._estimate import _estimate_labels  # type: ignore
from apd_crs._survival_func import _survival_fit_weights, _overall_survival

[docs]class SurvivalAnalysis: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ SurvivalAnalysis class This class implements methods for survival analysis: i.e. time-to-event analysis using a dataset for which outcomes of a fraction of the dataset are unknown (censored), and for which some individuals never experience the event. For example, a medical trial where time since diagnosis is measured and some participants drop out during the trial period, some of which are cured. Or a manufacturing dataset where time-to-failure since maintenace is measured, and some equipment takes so long to fail that it "never sees" the event. For every training point (a patient in a medical trial, or machine in a manufacturing dataset), we have three potential labels: Cured: The event never occurs. Non-cured: The event occurs at some (possibly unobserved) time. Censored: The event does not occur during the time period, while it may or may not occur later, but is unobserved. The methods in this class help estimate the labels (Cured/Non-cured) for each of the points in the censored group. Using the estimated labels, a classifier is built to predict whether a training point will belong to the cured group or the non-cured group. In addition, the methods in the class help predict the overall survival probability of any training point upto time t, as well as the risk for a training point at time t Parameters ---------- estimator : {'hard_EM', 'clustering', 'fifty_fifty', 'all_cens_cured'}, default='hard_EM' The method used for estimating labels for censored training data. If 'hard_EM', the hard expectation maximization algorithm is utilized to estimate labels for censored population. If 'clustering', a clustering model is built with a single cluster for the non-censored rows, and two clusters for the censored rows. By comparing the distance of the two censored clusters to the noncensored cluster center, cure labels are assigned to the censored rows. If 'fifty_fifty', each censored point is assigned to the cured/non-cured group with equal probability. Finally, 'all-cens-cured' assumes that all censored population are cured. classifier : A classifier object, default=None A fully initialized classification model object that follows the scikit-learn classification API. The model is used to classify between cured and non-cured labels. If no classifier input is provided, a logistic regression model with default parameters will be utilized. random_state : int, array_like, SeedSquence, BitGenerator or Generator or None, default=None Random state for reproducible random number generation in the algorithms. Attributes ---------- estimator_ : str Method used for estimating censored data classifier_ : A classification object A fully initialized classification object with scikit-learn classification API scale_ : float Scale parameter for the fitted Weibull distribution shape_ : float Shape parameter for the fitted Weibull distribution gamma_ : np.array Gamma parameter for survival function References --------- Kosovalić, N., Barui, S. A Hard EM algorithm for prediction of the cured fraction in survival data. Comput Stat (2021). """ # Parameter attributes _censor_label = _CENSOR_LABEL _cure_label = _CURE_LABEL _non_cure_label = _NON_CURE_LABEL # Imported methods _validate_train_data = _val_train_data _validate_test_data = _val_test_data _estimate_censored_labels = _estimate_labels def __init__(self, estimator="hard_EM", classifier=None, random_state=None): if estimator not in {"hard_EM", "clustering", "fifty_fifty", "all_cens_cured"}: raise ValueError("estimator must be 'hard_EM', 'clustering', 'fifty_fifty' or " f"'all_cens_cured', got {estimator}") self.estimator_ = estimator self.classifier_ = classifier self.random_state_ = random_state self.rnd_gen = np.random.default_rng(seed=random_state) self.n_features = -1 self._is_fitted_ = False self._is_scar_ = False self.scale_ = None self.shape_ = None self.gamma_ = None
[docs] def get_censor_label(self): """ Return the value for the label to be utilized to pass 'censored' rows Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- censor_label : int Integer value to be used to denote censored training points """ return self._censor_label
[docs] def get_cure_label(self): """ Return the value for the label to be utilized to indicate 'cured' rows Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- cure_label : int Integer value to be used to denote cured training points """ return self._cure_label
[docs] def get_non_cure_label(self): """ Return the value for the label to be utilized to indicate 'non-cured' rows Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- non_cure_label : int Integer value to be used to denote non-cured training points """ return self._non_cure_label
def _reset_pu_fit(self): ''' Resets the classifier built for estimating labels for censored individuals ''' self.classifier_ = None self._is_fitted_ = False self._is_scar_ = False
[docs] def pu_fit(self, training_data, training_labels, **kwargs): """ Fits a model using censored and non censored inputs to estimate cured/non-cured labels Parameters ---------- training_data : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data training_labels : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, 1) Labels for the training data. Value of _censor_label_ implies training point was censored, and _non_censor_label_ implies non censored. The _censor_label_ and _non_censor_label_ values can be obtained with get_censor_label and get_non_censor_label methods Optional kwargs include: pu_reg_term : float, default=0.5 The strength of the quadratic regularization term (C*w^2) on the non-intercept model covariate weights for PU learning pu_initialize : {'censoring_rate', 'use_clustering', 'use_random'}, default='use_random' Method to determine how initial guesses for the SLSQP minimization are generated. The covariate weights are initialized at random from a uniform distribution. If the option 'censoring_rate' is selected, cure labels are initialized assuming the probability of being cured is the censoring rate. If 'use_clustering' is selected then a single cluster is created from the noncensored rows, and two clusters are created from the censored rows. The cluster closest to the noncensored rows is assigned the label non_cured as an initial guess. If "use_random" is selected, multiple guesses for the unkown cure labels are generated randomly, multiple minimization problems are solved. The output chosen is the one corresponding to the lowest objective pu_max_guesses : int, default=50 Maximum local searches to launch when initialize method is use_random. Otherwise ignored pu_max_processes : int, default=1 Maximum parallel local searches to launch when initialize method is use_random. Otherwise ignored. if -1, all available processors are utilized pu_max_iter: int, default=1000 maximum number of iterations for SLSQP method. pu_weight_lo : {array-like} of shape (n_features, 1), default=-0.5 Lower bounds on weights for sampling from uniform distribution for initial value guesses pu_weight_hi : {array-like} of shape (n_features, 1), default=0.5 Upper bounds on weights for sampling from uniform distribution for initial value guesses pu_kmeans_init : int Number of Kmeans initializations to try when estimator is clustering is_scar : {True, False}, default=False True if SCAR (selected completely at random) assumption holds for the dataset. In this situation, we find the probability of being NOT censored given covariates. The latter is then divided by an appropriate constant to get probability of being NOT cured. See the paper for more details Returns -------- self Fitted estimator. """ training_data_, training_labels_, _ = self._validate_train_data(training_data, training_labels) _, self.n_features = training_data_.shape random_state = self.rnd_gen.integers(_LO_INT, _HI_INT) # Initialize classifier if self.classifier_ is None: self.classifier_ = LogisticRegression(random_state=random_state) self._is_scar_ = kwargs.get("is_scar", False) # Estimate values for censored individuals based on estimation method # chosen, if scar is false if not self._is_scar_: training_labels_estimated = self._estimate_censored_labels(training_data_, np.copy(training_labels_), **kwargs) else: training_labels_estimated = training_labels_, training_labels_estimated) self._is_fitted_ = True return self
[docs] def predict_overall_survival(self, test_data, test_times, test_labels=None): ''' Predict overall survival function for test data based on fitting survival function. Parameters ---------- test_data : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Test data test_times : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, k) Times at which survival of an individual is to be determined. k can be greater than 1 when the survival of an individual at multiple time points is to be determined test_labels: {array-like} of shape (n_samples, 1), default=None Test labels indicating censored/non censored status for test data. Method will provide cure predictions for censored individuals. This is only needed if model is fit with is_scar=True assumption Returns ------- predictions : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, k) Overall survival function of any suspectible or non-susceptible individual ''' test_data_ = self._validate_test_data(test_data) test_times_ = np.asarray(test_times) n_test, n_times = test_times_.shape if len(test_data_) != n_test: raise ValueError("Size of times and test_data do not match") probabilities = self.predict_cure_proba(test_data_, test_labels) if self.scale_ is None or self.shape_ is None or self.gamma_ is None: raise Exception("Fit survival function first by calling survival fit " "or stochastic fit") survival = [[_overall_survival(test_times_[i, j], probabilities[i, 0], test_data_[i, :], self.scale_, self.shape_, self.gamma_) for j in range(n_times)] for i in range(n_test)] return np.array(survival, np.float_)
[docs] def predict_cure_labels(self, test_data, test_labels=None): """ Predict cured/non-cured labels for data Parameters ---------- test_data : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Test data test_labels: {array-like} of shape (n_samples, 1), default=None Test labels indicating censored/non censored status for test data. Method will provide cure predictions for censored individuals Returns ------- predictions : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, 1) Predicted cured/non_cured labels """ if not self._is_fitted_: raise Exception("This instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' first") test_data_ = self._validate_test_data(test_data) if self._is_scar_: if test_labels is None: raise ValueError("Model fit under SCAR Assumption. Must pass " "censor labels in test data") if len(test_labels) != len(test_data_): raise ValueError("Size of test_labels and test_data don't match") # Under scar assumption, labels are calculated a little differently probabilities = self._predict_proba(test_data_, test_labels, self._is_scar_) cure_labels = np.rint(probabilities[:, 1]) return cure_labels return self.classifier_.predict(test_data_)
def _predict_proba(self, test_data, test_labels, is_scar): ''' Helper function that calculates probabilities of being cured/not cured under and not under SCAR assumption ''' probabilities = self.classifier_.predict_proba(test_data) if self.classifier_.classes_[0] != self._cure_label: # Must flip probability columns for correct output cured_prob = probabilities[:, 1] probabilities[:, 1] = probabilities[:, 0] probabilities[:, 0] = cured_prob # Need to normalize under scar assumption if is_scar: noncens_probs = probabilities[:, 1][test_labels == 1] constant = noncens_probs.mean() probabilities[:, 1] /= constant non_cure_prob = probabilities[:, 1] non_cure_prob[non_cure_prob > 1.] = 1. # cut noncure probs off at 1 probabilities[:, 1] = non_cure_prob probabilities[:, 0] = (1 - probabilities[:, 1]) return probabilities
[docs] def predict_cure_proba(self, test_data, test_labels=None): """ Generate probability estimates for each training point as to whether it is cured/noncured Parameters ---------- test_data : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Test data test_labels : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, 1), default=None Test labels indicating censored/non censored status for test data. Method will provide cure predictions for censored individuals Returns ------- probabilities : {array-like} shape (n_samples, 2) Predicted cured, non_cured probabilities """ if not self._is_fitted_: raise Exception("This instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' first") test_data_ = self._validate_test_data(test_data) if self._is_scar_: if test_labels is None: raise ValueError("Model fit under SCAR Assumption. Must pass " "censor labels in test data") test_labels_ = np.asarray(test_labels) if len(test_labels_) != len(test_data_): raise ValueError("Size of test_labels and test_data don't match") else: test_labels_ = None return self._predict_proba(test_data_, test_labels_, self._is_scar_)
[docs] def predict_danger(self, test_data, test_labels=None, weights=None): """ Generate a value for the danger, a measure of risk associated with an individual of facing the event. The absolute value of the number is unimportant. When comparing danger for two individuals, their relative values are important. Parameters ---------- test_data : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Test data test_labels : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, 1), default=None Test labels indicating censored/non censored status for test data. Method will provide cure predictions for censored individuals weights : {array-like} of shape (2, 1), default=None Normalizing weights for calculating danger. If None, weights of (0.5, 0.5) are used Returns ------- danger : {array-like} shape (n_samples, 1) Danger associated with every individual in training set """ if not self._is_fitted_: raise Exception("This instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' first") test_data_ = self._validate_test_data(test_data) if self._is_scar_: if test_labels is None: raise ValueError("Model fit under SCAR Assumption. Must pass " "censor labels in test data") test_labels_ = np.asarray(test_labels) if len(test_labels_) != len(test_data_): raise ValueError("Size of test_labels and test_data don't match") else: test_labels_ = None if weights is not None: weights_ = np.asarray(weights) if len(weights_) != 2: raise ValueError("Size of weights array is not 2") else: weights_ = (0.5, 0.5) danger = (weights_[0]*, self.gamma_) + weights_[1]*np.log(self.predict_cure_proba(test_data_, test_labels_)[:, 1])) return danger
[docs] def get_risk_factors(self): ''' Returns the relative risk factors associated with every covariate in data set Returns ------- factors : {array-like} of shape (n_features, 1) Relative weight of each factor in the dataset ''' return self.gamma_
[docs] def get_covariate_importance(self): ''' Returns the relative weights for logistic regression for each covariate in data set Returns ------- factors : {array-like} of shape (n_features, 1) Relative weight of each factor in the dataset ''' return self.classifier_.coef_[0]
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=True): """ Get parameters for the estimator Parameters ---------- deep : bool, default=True If True, will return the parameters for SurvivalAnalysis class and contained subojects Returns ------- params : dict Parameter names for class mapped to values """ param_dict = {"estimator_": self.estimator_, "random_state_": self.random_state_, "n_features": self.n_features, "_is_fitted_": self._is_fitted_, "scale_": self.scale_, "shape_": self.shape_, "gamma_": self.gamma_} if deep: if hasattr(self.classifier_, "get_params"): classifier_params = self.classifier_.get_params().items() for key, val in classifier_params: param_dict["classifier__" + key] = val return param_dict
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """ Set the parameters of this SurvivalAnalysis object. Parameters ---------- **params : dict Estimator parameters Returns ------- self : SurvivalAnalysis object """ valid_params = self.get_params(deep=True) classifier_params = {} for key, value in params.items(): key, delim, sub_key = key.partition("__") if key not in valid_params: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter {0} for SurvivalAnalysis class".format(key)) if delim: classifier_params[sub_key] = value else: setattr(self, key, value) params[key] = value self.classifier_.set_params(**classifier_params) return self
[docs] def score_labels(self, test_data, test_labels, sample_weight=None): """ Returns the accuracy score on a given test_data provided labels Parameters ---------- test_data : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, n_features) test data test_labels : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, 1) Labels for the test data. sample_weight : array_like of shape (n_samples,), default = None Sample weights Returns ------- score : float Mean accuracy """ test_data_ = np.asarray(test_data) n_rows, _ = test_data.shape if n_rows != len(test_labels): raise ValueError( "test_data and test_labels do not have the same number of rows" ) predicted_labels = self.predict_cure_labels(test_data_) return accuracy_score( test_labels, predicted_labels, sample_weight=sample_weight )
[docs] def cindex(self, test_times, test_labels, danger): ''' Returns the concordance index on test/score data. I.e. the ratio of concordant pairs to comparable ones. Parameters ---------- test_times : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, 1) Column of times of event/times of censoring. test_labels : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, 1) Column indicating whether censored or event was observed danger : float Measures the risk of an individual. The higher the riskier. Sometimes taken as ln of proportionality factor (exponential term) from proportional hazard function. In this setting, a risk also incorporating the (non) cure probability is reasonable. E.g. ln(1-pi)+gamma*x, or something similar. Returns ------- c-index: float Concordance index ''' non_cure_label = self.get_non_cure_label() # Convert to boolean for use with sksurv test_labels_ = np.asarray(test_labels) == non_cure_label return cindex(test_labels_, test_times, danger)[0]
def _fit_weights(self, training_data, training_labels, training_times, **kwargs): ''' Fit the lifetime parameters and survival function and returns the fit weights ''' # We first need to fit a model to estimate labels if not self._is_fitted_: self.pu_fit(training_data, training_labels, **kwargs) if self._is_scar_: probabilities = self.predict_cure_proba(training_data, training_labels)[:, 0] else: probabilities = self.predict_cure_proba(training_data)[:, 0] weights, errors, log_likelihood = \ _survival_fit_weights(training_data, training_labels, training_times, probabilities, **kwargs) return weights, errors, log_likelihood
[docs] def survival_fit(self, training_data, training_labels, training_times, **kwargs): ''' Fits the lifetime parameters and survival function and returns a fitted object Parameters ---------- training_data : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data training_labels : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Labels for training_data training_times : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, 1) Times for all training points (censoring time or event time) Optional kwargs include: surv_reg_term : float, default=0.5 The strength of the quadratic regularization term (C*w^2) on the non-intercept model covariate weights for survival fit. surv_max_iter: int, default=1000 maximum number of iterations for SLSQP method. is_scar : {True, False}, default=False True if SCAR (selected completely at random) assumption holds for the dataset. In this situation, we find the probability of being NOT censored given covariates. The latter is then divided by an appropriate constant to get probability of being NOT cured. See the paper for more details Returns ------- self Fitted estimator. ''' training_data_, training_labels_, training_times_ = self._validate_train_data( training_data, training_labels, training_times) weights, _, _ = self._fit_weights(training_data_, training_labels_, training_times_, **kwargs) _, self.n_features = training_data_.shape self.shape_ = weights[0] self.scale_ = weights[1] self.gamma_ = weights[2:] return self
[docs] def stochastic_fit(self, training_data, training_labels, training_times, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals **kwargs): ''' Fits the lifetime parameters and survival function and returns a fitted object. This is a meta algorithm heuristic for large datasets where survival_fit does not scale well, due to the computational bottleneck of censored individuals. Step 1: split into smaller datasets Step 2: for each dataset run survival fit Step 3: as final output take average of parameters. Parameters ---------- training_data : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data training_labels : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Labels for training_data training_times : {array-like} of shape (n_samples, 1) Times for all training points (censoringtime or event time) Optional kwargs include: surv_reg_term : float, default=0.5 strength of regularization parameter surv_max_iter: int, default=1000 maximum number of iterations for SLSQP method. surv_batch_size : int, default=200 The maximum size for a batch for stochastic fit is_scar : {True, False}, default=False True if SCAR (selected completely at random) assumption holds for the dataset. In this situation, we find the probability of being NOT censored given covariates. The latter is then divided by an appropriate constant to get probability of being NOT cured. See the paper for more details Returns ------- self Fitted estimator. ''' training_data_, training_labels_, training_times_ = self._validate_train_data( training_data, training_labels, training_times) kwargs = _validate_kwargs(kwargs) batch_size = kwargs.get("surv_batch_size") _, self.n_features = training_data_.shape is_scar = kwargs.get("is_scar", False) if is_scar: # Things are fast under SCAR assumption. Can stick to one split batch_size = len(training_data_) n_splits = 1 else: n_cens = training_labels_[training_labels_ == _CENSOR_LABEL].shape[0] n_rows = training_labels_.shape[0] n_splits = int(np.ceil(n_cens/batch_size)) shuffled = self.rnd_gen.permutation(n_rows) print(f"Splitting up data into {n_splits} pieces") outputs = [] for i in tqdm(range(n_splits)): # Must reset cure label estimator each time self._reset_pu_fit() indices = shuffled[batch_size*i:batch_size*(i+1)] data_chunk = training_data_[indices] label_chunk = training_labels_[indices] time_chunk = training_times_[indices] weights, _, _ = self._fit_weights(data_chunk, label_chunk, time_chunk, **kwargs) outputs.append(weights) mean_weights = np.mean(outputs, axis=0) self.shape_ = mean_weights[0] self.scale_ = mean_weights[1] self.gamma_ = mean_weights[2:] return self